antoinette oguntonade
Speaking Engagements

Antoinette's enthusiasm for public speaking is driven by her commitment to helping individuals enhance their financial acumen and establish generational wealth. As a devoted wife, mother, and entrepreneur, she places a strong emphasis on advocating for financial autonomy among women, both in the business sphere and within marital dynamics.

ANTOINETTE has been a speaker at

live event

Antoinette’s speaking engagements & hosting capabilities cover

Antoinette’s speaking engagements cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

Financial Literacy
Buying Your First Home
Navigating Financial Independence for Women
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Money Management for Mothers
Women in Leadership
+ much more

remember you can book both Antoinette & tayo

Antoinette Oguntonade's presence at UK Black Business Week was nothing short of inspiring. Antoinette Oguntonade has a vast amount of knowledge in the property investment sphere. She brings a wealth of experience and a personal touch to the often intimidating world of property. Booking Antoinette as a speaker offers your audience a rare opportunity to gain practical insights and the motivation needed to embark on or advance their property investment journey.

Raphael Sofoluke

CEO at UK Black Business Show

Antoinette is a wonderful panellist and speaker whose insights and expertise had our audience furiously writing notes with all the knowledge bombs dropped. She offered clear delivery, and honest insights and engaged the audience who had so many questions that were expertly answered. Antoinette is a true professional and we'd love to work with her and the Brickz With Tipz team again.


Co-founder, Coco Financial

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