Television Shows

Tayo is a distinguished TV presenter and an expert in property and finance, renowned for his engaging presence across several UK television shows.


tv show

Tayo is a host on the multi-award winning show "The Great House Giveaway" offering expert advice to contributors who want to give house renovations a try in order to build a house deposit. The show follows two strangers who are given a house by Tayo as well as a budget and 6 months to renovate and sell for a profit!

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On the money

Times are tough, but Eman and Tayo are here to help. They give you realistic financial advice on protecting your savings, keeping your social life going and remortgaging in a cost-of-living crisis. Experts are independent third-party financial experts. Barclays does not provide financial advice. Please get professional advice if needed. Information was correct at the time of filming.


384k views over target
Average watch time:
6:51 minutes vs a target of 2:46 mins
Across TikTok, Instagram & Facebook:
Over 1.2M views

featured in

University Challenge

Each year nearly 3 million people watch the special series of Christmas University Challenge on BBC2, where teams of graduates from UK universities face stern quizmaster and renowned broadcaster Jeremy Paxman.

featured in

rip - off

Times are tough, but Eman and Tayo are here to help. They give you realistic financial advice on protecting your savings, keeping your social life going and remortgaging in a cost-of-living crisis. Experts are independent third-party financial experts. Barclays does not provide financial advice. Please get professional advice if needed. Information was correct at the time of filming.


Here to help

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